Our Focus on Physiotherapy

Why is physiotherapy needed for animals?

Animals have the same needs as people in regards to physiotherapy. Just like when humans have surgery and post-operative rehabilitation is required, or are recovering from injury and require physio treatment to assist in regaining mobility, or require specialist and specific sports treatment, or are simply ageing and require mobilisation assistance, so too does the animal world.

Meet our Physiotherapist

Emma is a registered Physiotherapist, having completed a Bachelor of Physiotherapy in Adelaide in 1998. She also gained a Postgraduate Masters degree in Animal Physiotherapy from the University of Queensland in 2004. Since then she has been practising in both human and animal physiotherapy and in 2009 moved back to her hometown of Adelaide where she’s delighted to be part of the AVSARC team, as well as continuing on farm/property location consultations in the Adelaide hills/metropolitan area.

Is animal physiotherapy scientific and can it assist with veterinary services?

Animal Physiotherapists are not alternative therapists, they are professionals with a scientific, research based training, that compliments veterinary practice. Animal physiotherapy is a specialisation of an existing regulated profession, which follows stringent evidence based clinical reasoning and standards of practice. In many situations, your client compliance and patient outcomes can improve with referral access to a qualified animal physiotherapist. In fact, clients are now demanding appropriate complimentary treatment and rehabilitation options for their animals, and they could significantly benefit from an allied health professional opinion, referred by their vet.

What are the specific treatments available for animal physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy treatment modalities and techniques are effective at modulating pain and inflammation, assisting healing, facilitating muscle activation and strength, assisting with joint mobility and soft-tissue problems. Physiotherapy also assists in spinal problems, post-surgical rehabilitation such as cranial cruciate repairs and fractures, and cases where osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease/hip dysplasia are painful and limiting function. Treatment can involve manual soft tissue therapies (including massage, myofascial, trigger point, positional releases), spinal and peripheral joint mobilization, strength and stability exercises and stretching, electrotherapy and owner/rider exercise programmes.

Organise an appointment

Emma is available every Thursday for consultations. Please feel free to call our reception on P: 8132 533 to book a suitable time.